Vanessa Lange, P.T.
Vanessa is not only a believer in the hands on aspect of Physical Therapy, but also that "exercise is medicine" and is passionate about helping patients achieve their long term goals through strength and mobility training.
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Born and raised in Singapore, Vanessa participated in a variety of sports including Netball and Touch Rugby. She received her Diploma in Physiotherapy in Singapore, and went on to attain her Bachelors in Physiotherapy from the University of Newcastle, NSW (Australia). She has worked in a variety of settings including inpatient and outpatient orthopedics in an acute hospital, as well as outpatient sports clinics where she taught clinical Pilates and provided pitch side coverage for soccer and rugby teams.
Vanessa is not only a believer in the hands on aspect of Physical Therapy, but also that "exercise is medicine" and is passionate about helping patients achieve their long term goals through strength and mobility training.
Vanessa is a certified yoga instructor. She enjoys spending her free time teaching and practicing yoga.
Undergraduate Education
Nanyang Polytechnic (Singapore), University of Newcastle, NSW (Australia)
Continuing Education
Yoga Certification
Achievements + Endeavors
Coming Soon